Ellesmere Village Dental - Scarborough

Dental Extractions in Scarborough

If you need a tooth removed, whether it's a simple extraction or a more complex procedure, dental extractions are routine and generally involve only minor discomfort.
Call 866-812-2561

Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Tooth extraction might be necessary for several reasons:

  1. Persistent Baby Teeth: Removing baby teeth that haven’t fallen out on their own.
  2. Orthodontic Treatment: Extracting teeth to create space for braces or other orthodontic appliances.
  3. Pain or Infection: Addressing teeth that are severely infected or causing significant pain.
  4. Fractured Teeth: Managing the removal of teeth that are broken or damaged beyond repair.

However, extraction might not always be the only solution. If you’re dealing with tooth pain, there could be alternative treatments to relieve your discomfort and save the tooth. Prompt diagnosis and intervention are crucial for exploring these options.

Please let us know if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  1. Severe toothache.
  2. Pain that worsens with pressure or while chewing.
  3. Jaw discomfort or stiffness.
  4. Swelling in the gums around the affected tooth or teeth.
  5. Signs of gum disease, such as discoloration, bleeding, or a bad odor.

The Plan of Care

Tooth extraction is typically carried out by a dentist or oral surgeon and is often completed in one visit. The process begins with a thorough assessment to determine if removing the tooth is the best solution. During the extraction, the tooth is carefully removed with minimal discomfort. After the procedure, you’ll receive detailed instructions on how to care for the area to ensure proper healing and prevent complications.

Looking for Solutions

Our team will thoroughly evaluate your symptoms and discuss all available options to determine the best course of action for your dental health. Before moving forward with a tooth extraction, we’ll ensure that we explore every alternative and choose the most effective solution for your needs.

The Removal Process

To ensure your comfort, a local anesthetic is often used to numb the area around the tooth being removed, based on your and the dentist’s preferences. If needed, we can also offer sedation options. Our oral surgeons use a gentle, minimally invasive technique to perform the extraction, focusing on your comfort and aiming for a quick and smooth recovery.

Improvement in Well-Being

Improvement in Well-Being

    After your extraction, you’ll be provided with guidelines covering:

  1. Care for your healing mouth: How to maintain oral hygiene and facilitate recovery.
  2. Expected changes: What to anticipate as your mouth heals.
  3. Managing complications: Steps to address any issues or discomfort that may arise.

We’re available to set up a follow-up visit to address any remaining questions or concerns you might have.

Contact us today

to schedule an initial consultation & exam.

Your consultation will include an examination of everything from your teeth, gums and soft tissues to the shape and condition of your bite. Generally, we want to see how your whole mouth looks and functions. Before we plan your treatment we want to know everything about the health and aesthetic of your smile, and, most importantly, what you want to achieve so we can help you get there.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tooth extraction may be necessary in several situations, including:

  • Severe tooth decay or damage: When a tooth is too damaged or decayed to be restored.
  • Crowding of teeth or preparation for orthodontic treatment: To address overcrowding or create space for orthodontic work.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth: When wisdom teeth cause pain or dental problems.
  • Infection or abscess: When there is an infection or abscess in the tooth or gums.
  • Periodontal (gum) disease: When gum disease affects the stability of a tooth.
  • Trauma or a fractured tooth: When a tooth is fractured or damaged beyond repair.

The price for a tooth extraction can differ greatly based on several factors, including where the procedure takes place, how complex the extraction is, who performs it, and your dental insurance coverage. Typically, a straightforward extraction falls between $75 and $200. For more intricate procedures like surgical extractions or wisdom tooth removal, costs can range from $225 to $600 or even higher per tooth. To get a clear idea of what you might pay, it’s best to discuss the details with your dentist or oral surgeon.

You won’t feel pain during the procedure itself because local anesthesia is used to numb the area. You might sense some pressure or other sensations while the tooth is being extracted. After the anesthesia wears off, mild discomfort or pain is common but can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. Severe pain is uncommon and should be communicated to your dentist if it occurs.

The time it takes to recover from a tooth extraction can vary based on several factors, including the difficulty of the extraction, your general health, and how well you follow the care instructions provided. Generally, you’ll experience initial healing within a few days to a week. However, the complete healing of the bone can take several months. Adhering to the post-extraction care recommendations is crucial for a quicker and more effective recovery.

Dry socket is a complication that can cause discomfort following a tooth extraction. This issue is most likely to arise within the first 3 to 5 days post-extraction. After this window, the risk of developing dry socket decreases significantly. If you experience persistent, intense pain during this period, contact your dentist or oral surgeon right away. They can address the issue and assist in managing the symptoms.

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