Ellesmere Village Dental - Scarborough

Dental Bridges in Scarborough

Close the gaps in your smile and restore missing teeth with a custom-made dental bridge, securely and permanently fixed in place.
Call 866-812-2561
Ellesmere Village Dental - Scarborough

Address The Spaces Resulting From The Absence Of 1 To 3 Teeth

  • A dental bridge is an effective solution for restoring the appearance and health of your mouth by filling in spaces with a false tooth.
  • The bridge can be supported by: Dental implants, Your natural teeth, and a combination of both
  • Also known as a “fixed partial denture,” it is permanently bonded or cemented to your teeth.
  • Unlike removable options, a dental bridge does not need to be taken out for sleeping or cleaning.
  • Filling tooth gaps is crucial for both aesthetics and long-term oral health: Missing teeth can make it challenging to speak and chew properly. Gaps between teeth can cause neighboring teeth to shift position over time.
  • A dental bridge helps maintain the proper alignment of your teeth and ensures that your smile remains functional and beautiful

Long-Lasting Benefits of Dental Bridges

A dental bridge not only restores your smile but also brings several long-term benefits for your other teeth and overall oral health. Losing a tooth or two can really make you feel self-conscious and uncomfortable, but don’t worry! With a dental bridge, you can regain your confidence and enjoy improved oral health.

The advantages of a dental bridge include:


Dental bridges effectively address the discomfort and inconvenience of missing teeth, offering a long-term solution. Enjoy immediate benefits that greatly improve your well-being. Restore a natural appearance and regain confidence in smiling and eating comfortably, bringing back the familiar and cherished smile you love. With proper care, they provide lasting relief for over ten years, ensuring you stay comfortable and worry-free.

Tooth health

When teeth are missing, changes in your bite and tooth movement can affect how your face looks and your overall oral health. This can lead to risks such as decay, gum disease, jaw discomfort, and TMJ problems. A dental bridge addresses these concerns by stabilizing your teeth, providing a solution that helps maintain oral health and facial integrity.

Bone health

Your jawbone health depends on keeping your teeth healthy. When dental health declines, it can affect the supporting bone and tissues.Using a dental bridge helps stabilize your dental health and reduce bone loss from missing teeth, ensuring better overall oral maintenance.

Cost of Dental Bridges

Wondering about the cost of dental bridges? Reach out to your trusted dental practice to explore options for a cool, calm and confident smile! They can provide personalized guidance and up-to-date pricing details, helping you make an informed decision about your oral health.

Contact us today

to schedule an initial consultation & exam.

Your consultation will include an examination of everything from your teeth, gums and soft tissues to the shape and condition of your bite. Generally, we want to see how your whole mouth looks and functions. Before we plan your treatment we want to know everything about the health and aesthetic of your smile, and, most importantly, what you want to achieve so we can help you get there.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your dentist can create a dental bridge that fits perfectly in each spot. They’ll look at how your mouth is doing and design a bridge that works well, making sure your smile feels strong and works just like it should.

When you get a dental bridge, it’s designed to use the nearby teeth for support. But don’t worry, the dentist only makes small changes to those teeth to keep them strong. This helps create a sturdy foundation for the bridge while keeping your smile healthy.

Yes, you can definitely have a dental bridge even if you already have dental implants. In fact, dental bridges can be anchored onto dental implants, which act like artificial tooth roots. This setup provides a strong and durable solution, enhancing stability and making chewing easier.

Yes, besides dental bridges, there are other ways to replace missing teeth. Your dentist might talk to you about dental implants or removable partial dentures as options. It all depends on things like how healthy your mouth is, what you want, and how much you can spend.

To get a dental bridge, your dentist will first prep the supporting teeth, then take impressions, and finally, create a custom bridge for you. The entire process typically takes a few weeks, but your dentist will give you a specific timeline based on your individual needs.

Dental bridges are designed to restore chewing function. Once properly fitted and adjusted, you should be able to eat a variety of foods comfortably.

Proper oral hygiene, including regular brushing and flossing, is essential to maintain the health of your dental bridge and surrounding teeth. Your dentist may also recommend special care instructions tailored to your specific bridge type.

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Ellesmere Village Dental - Scarborough

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